


much ado about nothing 無事死非。 這一成語來自於莎翁的同名劇做。這是一個鬧劇,講述的是少年貴族克勞狄奧正在結婚前夜聽說已婚妻希羅不貞的新闻,氣憤難噹,於是在婚禮上噹眾耻辱她。未几又得悉那本來不過是君子作惡假造的謠行罢了,於是兩人和洽如初,从新舉止了婚禮。

gild the lily/paint the lily 畫蛇添足。來自於《約翰王》 (The Life and Death of King John)中的詩句:To gild refined gold, to paint the lily, / To throw a perfume on the violet, / To smooth the ice, or add another hue / Unto the rainbow, or with taper-light / To seek the beauteous eye of heaven to garnish, / Is wasteful and ridiculous excess. (為純金鍍上金箔,替純潔的百开花涂上粉彩,給紫羅蘭的花瓣灑上喷鼻火,研磨润滑的冰塊,替彩虹增加一道顏色,或是企圖用幽微的燭火為太陽删光加輝,實在是多此一舉,浪費而好笑。)這一成語现在已被廣為傳誦。

Murder will out. / The truth will out. 紙包不住水。《威僧斯商人》 (The Merchant of Venice) 中的情節早已為眾人所生知,此中有這樣一句:Truth will e to light; murder cannot be hid long. (本相終將明白;謀殺不克不及長暂掩蓋。)

What's done is done. 米已成炊。 源自《麥克白》 (Macbeth) 中的句子:Things without all remedy should be without regard: what's done is done. (無法挽回的事,只好聽其天然;米已成炊。)

bay the moon/bark at the moon 空嚷;徒勞。來自《尤利烏斯·愷洒》 (Julius Caesar):I had rather be a dog, and bay the moon, than such a Roman. (我寧願做一只背月明狂吠的狗,也不願做這樣一個羅馬人)。有的書上將其譯為“蜀犬吠日”,筆者認為不当。“蜀犬吠日”源自我國唐朝詩人柳宗元的《答韋中破論詩讲書》, 蜀犬果為很少見到太陽,所以一旦日出便叫個不断。由此可見,“蜀犬吠日”用來比方少見多怪的人,與本文討論的成語分歧。

be hoist with one's own petard 作法自斃,作繭自縛。出自《哈姆雷特》 (Hamlet):For 'tis the sport to have the engineer hoist with his own petard. (開炮的如果給炮轟了,却是一件好玩的事。)

